
Bat Girl & Robin The Girl Wonder: The Stolen Utility Belt Caper

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Bat Girl & Robin The Girl Wonder: The Stolen Utility Belt Caper

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Back story: Newly appointed Commissioner Kobe Lee is in charge of security for the City’s Annual Celebration.  Harley Quinn has been reported missing from the Insane Asylum and at large.  Commissioner Lee has summoned Batgirl and Robin in assisting the capture and return of Harley back to the Asylum before the City’s Celebration takes place. But Harley has other plans.  Will the Dynamic Duo be able to apprehend the Princess of Pranks before the big event?

Scene 1:
In Commissioner Lee, Batgirl and Robin are looking at a map of the city, trying to pinpoint Harley’s whereabouts, based on where she has been spotted, etc. Little do they know, Harley is right under their noses!  Commissioner Lee gets a phone call, it’s the front desk, telling her that she has a delivery and can she come down to pick it up?  Commissioner Lee excuses herself to go get the delivery.  Batgirl and Robin continue to look at the map and discuss where Harley might be.  Upon Commissioner Lee’s return, she is carrying a vase of flowers.  She sets them down on the table and comments how nice it is to get flowers.  She never gets flowers!  Batgirl comments “never?” Very strange, wonder who they’re from?  

Robin notices a card and reads aloud “Hope these flowers make you smile today, Love Harley Quinn!”
Batgirl replies “Flowers from Harley, Robin?  (Sarcasm) Ha, Don’t make me laugh!”
As if on cue, Harley Quinn will appear (unseen by our heroines), holding a remote control in her hand saying “Good choice of words, Batgirl!  But I think that’s exactly what will happen!”  She pushes a button on the remote.  This actives a gas coming out of the flowers!

Robin notices a strange odor!  “What’s that strange odor?” she says.
Commissioner Lee replies with a giggles and laughing “LOL, is this one of...LOL, one of Harley’s jokes?, LOL”
Robin replies with laughter “LOL, well if it is, LOL, it sure isn’t funny! LOL”
Commissioner Lee, getting hysterical with laughter “LOL, No, it certainly isn’t, Rob....LOL”  

Robin and Commissioner Lee are now in full hysterical, uncontrollable laughter!  Batgirl, who has been giggling and laughing as well, finally figures out what’s happening when she says “LOL, Wouldn’t you know, LOL it’s laughing gas! LOL! Harley must be up to something!!! LOL!!!”  Batgirl succumbs to the gas and joins Robin and Commissioner in full blown laughter, as they fall to their hands and knees, rolling and kicking in hysterics!
Our Heroines continue with helpless laughter until they fall asleep where they are. 

Scene 2:
Our heroines slowly start to awaken as we come back, disoriented and hung over.  As they start to remember in reverse order of the happenings, laughing hysterically, noticing that strange smell, the flowers!  It’s all coming back to them, Harley set them up with laughing gas!  But why?  Robin notices that Batgirl’s utility belt is missing from around her waist!  So that’s it!  She wanted to steal the utility belt! Harley must want to use the Bat devices to commit her crimes, no doubt!  But Batgirl assures us that Harley won’t get very far, as her Bat devices are finger print encoded, and only she can use her devices!  Nobody else can make them work!  She’ll soon discover that!  And our Heroines can track down the belt as Batgirl has a tracking device embedded inside the belt, so it should lead them right to Harley!  Better not waste another minute, to the Batmobile!  Batgirl and Robin make a hasty exit as Commissioner Lee continues on with her duties.

Meanwhile, at Harley’s hide out!  Harley is indeed realizing that she can’t make the Bat devices work!  Oh Poo!  Well, maybe she can get Batgirl and Robin to use the belt for her!  But how, the Dynamic Duo won’t just go along with Harley’s plans of robbing the city during the celebration!  But then she remembers, that her boyfriend, the Joker has a new formula he’s been working on, that is called Crime Time!  It’s supposed to have a reverse effect on one’s nature.  If they are a goody goody like Batgirl and Robin, one dose of this formula, and they will turn into Badgirl and Robber, ready to commit crimes!  Just have to make some modifications and set our trap for our do gooders!  Haha, she giggles with glee as she leaves to set her plan in motion!

Later on, Batgirl and Robin arrive at Harley’s hide out, moving cautiously about!  They know they could be walking into a trap, but getting the utility belt is very important!  As they enter a room, they notice the utility belt, sitting out in the wide open.  This looks too easy!  What is Harley up to?  Batgirl claims she’s getting a headache and takes out a pill!  She tells Robin she should take one too!  Robin passes on it, stating, “I don’t have a headache?!”  Batgirl insists that she takes one, stating “An aspirin a day, keeps the doctor away!”  Robin goes along with it as they pop the pill.  Just then, Harley appears saying “I got you now!”
She points her infamous remote control towards the ceiling.  Down comes a gas from the ceiling, on our helpless heroines!  They both gasp and cough, struggling to catch their breath!  They both struggle to stay on their feet, as the gas seems to be a knock out gas of some kind!  They both pass out from the gas, laying where they fall.  Harley giggles with glee saying “You’ll feel so much better when you wake!  Nighty night!”

An hour or two later, Batgirl and Robin awake, feeling different!  Somehow, they don’t feel like their do gooder selves.  In fact, they feel sort of mean and nasty!  They definitely have an attitude adjustment as Harley reappears to ask them how they’re feeling?  

Batgirl replies “Hey, I thought we were buddies, Harley?!  What are you keeping us locked in here for?”
Robin adds “Yeah!  We got places to go and crimes to commit!”
Harley “Splendid!  The Crime Time worked!  Now that you have your utility belt back around your waist, we can move forward with plans to rob the city during the celebration!”
Batgirl informs Harley that that could be harder than she thinks as Commissioner Lee has a pretty good plan for security and they might not be able to get very far!  Harley acknowledges and has a plan to keep our lovely Commissioner and her goons busy!  Harley invites Batgirl and Robin along as they discuss how they will do just that and make further plans!  They all leave as the scene ends!

Scene 3:
Commissioner Lee is getting ready to address her police force with the plans on security and protecting the city from an disruptions!  She is standing front and center, talking to the camera as if talking to her police officers.  While giving her address, Batgirl and Robin appear!  Commissioner Lee is a bit surprised to see them as they are making an unscheduled appearance here!  

Commissioner Lee: “Batgirl? Robin?  What are you doing here?” she asks.
Batgirl: “Why, We’re here to make you laugh, Commissioner!”
Robin adds: “Always leave ‘em laughing!!!”
Batgirl and Robin take out spray cans and fill the room with laughing gas!  An audio reveals sounds of laughter as the police officers attending are being gassed and laughing hysterically!  Commissioner Lee starts to giggle and chuckle as she replies
“It’s LOL!  It’s LOL...Laughing Gas! LOL  Not again LOL, I just can’t help myself! LOL!  I don’t know why, LOL...”

Commissioner Lee is beside herself with hysterical laughter once again!  Batgirl and Robin has made a fool of her again as they continue to spray the room, inducing even more laughter!  That should keep them busy laughing until they pass out which will give them enough time they need to rob the city!  Batgirl and Robin leave them all laughing as we fade out.

Later on, once the gas has cleared and Commissioner Lee has woke from her slumber, she is angered by this and wants Batgirl and Robin arrested on sight!  (Talking to the camera) She tells the police officers to get out there and find them, right now!  A few moments later, Batgirl and Robin appear to Commissioner Lee.  At first Commissioner Lee is ready to arrest them herself, but Batgirl and Robin tell her that they are not under the influence of Harley Quinn, and that what happened was she tried gassing them with a mind control substance.  But they took a Bat Neutralizer pill, that countered the effects of the gas and they were just play acting to fool Harley.  They are planning on leading the police officers to Harley’s hide out to apprehend her before she can do anymore damage!  Commissioner Lee believes them and apologizes to them for her actions!  Let’s get her before any more pranks can be pulled! 

Meanwhile, back at Harley’s hide out.  Harley is overjoyed that her plan has worked out thus far!  Batgirl and Robin come in with a loot of goodies that they supposedly stole from around the city!  Harley is super excited to see the loot and is very proud of her new associates!  Very well done!  She takes the things with her as she says, wait here, then we’ll all go out on the town and have a few kicks and paint the town red!  She giggles as she leaves.  Batgirl and Robin talk amongst themselves, as Robin suggests they get the Commissioner now and apprehend Harley!  Batgirl suggests not yet, perhaps there is a chance that Harley will go willing and without a fight!  Robin scoffs at that idea, “yeah, right!” she says sarcastically.  But Batgirl assures her that if the Crime Time formula can change good people into bad people, maybe with some modifications, it can change bad people into good people?  Let’s test that theory! 

Upon coming back up, Batgirl has a spray can and she tells Robin she thinks she has it ready!  Just then, Harley Quinn appears, ready to go!  Batgirl announces that the gig is up and that they are going to have to take her back into custody!  Harley obviously refuses that and won’t be taken so easily.  Then Batgirl sprays her with the spray can, and Harley coughs at first, but then laughs!  He attitude seems to have changed quite a bit.  Instead of being nasty and mean, she is now very compliant and happy-go-lucky!  She giggles and laughs and says “Whatever you wanna do, Bats!  I’m all for it!”
Commissioner Lee appears to take her back to the Asylum.  Harley Quinn just giggles and laughs, “YAY!  I’m calling shotgun!  Weeeeee let’s go!!!” with super excitement she runs to exit to go back to the asylum!  Commissioner Lee hot after her.

Robin asks, “How’d you do it, Batgirl?”  Batgirl replies, “I just mixed the Crime Time formula with my Bat Antidote and added it to her laughing gas!  The effects changed her mood into wanting to be good nature!  The effects are only temporary, as in a couple of hours, she’ll be back to her evil ways.  But she should be locked up at the Asylum by then!” Robin compliments Batgirl on how quick she was to put that all together in such a short amount of time.  Batgirl says “We better get all these items we stole back where we found them!  Let’s go Robin, we have work to do!”  Robin says “I need a vacation, being a criminal sure takes a lot out of you!”  The End.

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a cool 4 girl superhero laughing gas movie!

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